MDS Admission Through Management Quota – Fee Structure Explained

Have you qualified for the NEET-MDS exam? Are you looking for MDS management seats in India? But confused about the procedures, fees, and colleges?

Then in this article, I will clear all your basic doubts and help you secure an MDS seat in your favourite branch. 😛

So, before I explain about MDS admission, I want to introduce myself. 😀

I am Vishnu Nambiar, a dentist, dental blogger, and career guidance expert. I have been guiding students from all over the country in getting MDS admission through management quota in the best dental colleges in India for the past 13 years.

So, all the information I will be providing you here will be from my personal experience in career guidance and college admissions.

Do you know the reason many students are not able to secure an MDS seat?

Reasons why not able to get MDS seat

Yes, exactly, 17% of students are not able to get it because of errors in documentation. And almost 22% of students because of a lack of knowledge.

So please go through the article completely and understand the procedures.

This article will be long and I want you to go through it completely for better understanding. You can use the table of contents below to navigate to any part of the article.

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MDS Management Quota Fees

First of all, I will explain to you the fee structure for MDS in management quota. I will give you a general idea about the fee structure and I will also give you links to articles about fee structure in different states.

Rough Idea

So, basically, there are 9 departments, and out of these 6 departments are clinical and 3 are non-clinical. Let it be any department, the fee structure will be higher in states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, AP, and Telangana.

Higher fees mean major departments like OS, Endo, and Ortho can cost you between Rs.10 to Rs.20 lakhs per annum depending on the colleges and location.

This is due to the high quality of education and demand for MDS.

But if you have a good score you can secure a seat in different quotas in Karnataka. For more in-depth info about it, you can go through my article about the MDS fee structure in Karnataka or MDS fees in Bangalore.

But in the case of Kerala, the fee is around Rs.8.5 lakhs per year and it is not easy to secure seats for major branches due to the smaller number of seats.

But, when you move to a few North Indian states, you will be able to secure MDS seats for major branches for around Rs.7 lakhs to Rs.10 lakhs per annum including your hostel, food, materials fees, etc.

In short, MDS seats for major branches in North India will be around 40% cheaper.

Just for an idea, you can go through my detailed article about MDS private college fees in UP.

MDS Seat Cost Which I Can Provide

I will give you an approximate idea of the fee structure for each department below. Go through it and let me know if you have any doubts.

The fees also vary, depending on the demand. And the fee structure which I will be mentioning will be in good colleges and not so-called worst colleges.

  • Endodontics: Starts from Rs.5.85 lakhs year.
  • Orthodontics: Starts from Rs.5.85 lakhs per year.
  • Oral Surgery: Starts from Rs.5.85 lakhs per annum.
  • Prosthodontics: In the south prostho will cost you around Rs.8 lakhs to Rs.12 lakhs per annum and it will cost you Rs.6 lakhs to Rs.9 lakhs in the North.
  • Pedodontics: Pedo will cost you around Rs.8 lakhs to Rs.10 lakhs per annum in the South and Rs.4 to Rs.6 lakhs per year in the North.
  • Periodontics: You have to spend around Rs.4 lakhs to Rs.6 lakhs per year in the South and around Rs.3 lakhs to Rs.4 lakhs per year in the North.
  • Oral Medicine: OMR will cost you around Rs.3 to Rs.5 lakhs per year anywhere in India.
  • Community: PCD will be around Rs.2.5 lakhs to Rs.4 lakhs per year.
  • OP: Oral Pathology will cost you somewhere between Rs.2 lakhs to Rs.2.5 lakhs anywhere in India.

The fee structure mentioned above excludes the hostel, food, and material charges. These are the maximum fees which will be charged approximately.

  • Hostel Fees: Hostel fees will be around Rs.1 lakh to Rs.1.5 lakhs per annum depending on the colleges.
  • Material Fees: There are very few colleges in the North that charge material fees. Even if they charge it will be around Rs.1 lakh per annum. In the South, you can expect a material fee between Rs.1 lakh to Rs.1.5 lakhs per year.

You can also go through my detailed post about the MDS fee structure in private colleges if you want a more -in-depth idea.

And if you are looking for admission to deemed universities, then go through my post about MDS fees in deemed universities.

MDS Management Quota Admission Process

Before 2016, it was really easy to get an MDS seat. You got the money, go->pay->DONE!

But now after the NEET-MDS was implemented, you have to go through a lot of procedures for taking a management or NRI seat.

Let me tell you the basics…

You can take MDS management quota admission in 2 types of colleges – private and deemed dental colleges.

So, if you want to take admission to any of these you must attend the counseling conducted by the state authority – if it is private colleges – or by the MCC, if you want to take admission to a deemed dental college.

Yes, for each state there is a counseling authority and they conduct the MDS counseling for private colleges. For example, in Karnataka, the KEA or Karnataka Examination Authority is that authority.

If you need to know the fee structure decided by KEA for colleges in Karnataka, you can go through the detailed article about KEA MDS fee structure.

Here I will be explaining the admission procedure for both private colleges and deemed colleges.

MDS Admission Process in Private Colleges

It is not possible for me to explain the admission procedures for each state right? So I will explain the general procedures that happen in all the states.

Let it be any state counseling there are 4 rounds of counseling and for attending the counseling there are different procedures. The 4 rounds are:

  • 1st Counseling.
  • 2nd Counseling.
  • MOP-UP Round.
  • Stray Vacancy Round.

So to attend the counseling, the candidate must follow the following procedures.

  1. Registration: The candidate must register with the state counseling authorities by paying a nominal fee of around Rs.1000 to Rs.6000, depending on each state.
  2. Security Deposit: In most of the states, you must deposit a refundable deposit which will be around Rs.1 lakh. This will be either refunded or adjusted in your first-year fees.
  3. Document Verification: This can be online or offline depending on the state. For example, in Punjab, it is online, but in UP or Karnataka, it will be offline. This can change at any time, depending on the notifications from the authority.
  4. 1st Round of Counseling: In this, you have to choose the college and department of your choice. If you are eligible, you will be allotted a seat.
  5. 2nd Round of Counseling: If you are not allotted a seat in the 1st round of counseling, you can try in the 2nd round. Similar to 1st round, you have to choose the department and college.
  6. MOP-UP Round: The leftover seats will be transferred to the MOP-UP round. The MOP-UP round will be offline in most of the states.
  7. Stray Vacancy: If there are seats that are not filled this will be converted to management seats, which the college can take directly.

Alert: If you are not registering and attending the counseling, you won’t be eligible to take management or NRI seats.

MDS Admission Process in Deemed Colleges

I think the counseling procedures for private colleges are clear.

MCC counseling is very much similar to state counseling. The only differences are:

  • All the procedures will be online.
  • There will be a registration fee of Rs.5000 to Rs.8500 varies each year.
  • There will be a refundable deposit of Rs.2 lakhs which you must pay during the registration.

All the other procedures and counseling rounds are the same.

Very IMPORTANT Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Without qualifying NEET you cannot take the admission. There are many fake agents who claim to provide seats without NEET.
  • You have to register and attend the counseling. Even if seats are vacant, at the last moment if you are ready to pay much, you won’t be able to get a seat without registration.
  • The documentation and registration must be proper. Almost 17% of the students are not able to secure MDS seats because of poor documentation.

I will explain about documents required for the counseling in the coming part.

Direct Admission to MDS is Possible?

You might have seen a lot of people claiming they can give you direct admission to MDS through management or NRI quota, right?

Even if they say it’s direct admission, you must follow the procedures mentioned above.

If it is taking admission without attending counseling – IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

I think I am repeating this point 3rd or 4th time in this article.

Even for MDS seats through management or NRI quota or any other quota, you have to register and attend the counseling.

Documents Required for MDS Admission

First, I mention all the documents required then I will give you a few documentation tips too. 😛

  1. NEET Score Card.
  2. NEET Admit Card.
  3. Degree certificate.
  4. 4-year marks card.
  5. Internship completion certificate.
  6. Dental Council registration details.
  7. 10h and 12th marks card and pass certificate.
  8. Aadhar Card.
  9. Passport size photos – 15 nos.
  10. Domicile Certificate, if applicable.
  11. Caste certificate, if applicable.
  12. Income certificate, if applicable.

Keep all these things handy and keep at least 5 copies of the same.

You must also keep the following things ready:

  • Scanned copy of the thumb impression.
  • Signature scanned copy.
  • E-mail and Mobile number provided during registering for the NEET exam.
  • For making payments it is better to use net banking than debit card transactions. You can use your bank app and increase your transaction limit if necessary. This takes a few hours to get activated.

An Extra, Yet Important Tip:

  • See whether the name on your Aadhar card, 10th/12th marks card, and BDS certificates match. If not, let the college or us know before taking admission.

If you need in-depth detail about documents, then you can go through my detailed article about the list of documents required for NEET MDS counseling.

How to Choose a Dental College for MDS?

This is something important you must read clearly if you want to choose the best college for MDS. These are my views keeping in mind about choosing quality colleges.

There might be people who don’t agree with these, but I know these things really matter.

Unlike, BDS, you have to be very much choosy for MDS as this will be your bread and butter for your future.

Patient Exposure – Patients, Patients, Patients

The student-to-patient ratio must be good. There are many marketing gimmicks done by private colleges, where they claim to have more than 500 patients per day. Any dental college with an average of 150 to 250 patients is fine.

Number of Students in Each Department

There are many colleges, where I have seen they have an intake of 8 or 9 students. It’s really tough for you to make excellent cases to learn. Just think, if there are 9 seats in one batch, there will be 27 students in a department.

And it will take most of your time on fighting and politics. I would suggest to go for a college with a maximum of 6 intakes per batch.

HoD & Faculties – Captian of the Ship

I know colleges that have great infrastructure, patient flow, and everything. The management had made the best for the college. But the faculties are not good.

In a college, few departments will be best and others will be average. It is because of the faculties. For example, there is a college A which is good for Endo, but not good for Ortho. And there is a college B, which is good for Ortho and not for Endo.

So enquire clearly and take proper guidance in knowing the faculties of the college.

Equipments & Infrastructure

The college must have basic facilities and they must be using the latest technologies. Especially for departments like Orthodontics, as they are having a lot of advancements each year.

And by infrastructure, I never mean fancy buildings or swimming pools. I stick to this, because there are many fancy colleges with centralized AC and stuff, but zero quality in education. Never take – First Impression is the Best Impression – ideology here.

There are many very old colleges that actually don’t look good, but their patient exposure and education qualities are excellent.


You must keep the Return on Investment in mind. First of all, keep a budget for your complete studies and filter colleges according to that. You have to find the best in your budget. Never find the best college and try to reach that budget.

It’s just a pure finance tip.

Extra Hidden Fees

Everyone knows that private colleges are keen on making money. They won’t leave any chance where they can make money. But there are good colleges too, who are at least ethical in their words.

Few colleges charge extra fees, in the name of transportation, library, sports etc, etc. Make it clear and transparent about the fees.


You are a PG student and you have to live like one. There are many colleges, which makes the life of a PG hell. They treat you like kids and it’s all because of bad management. The college management must be good.


Just added it to the checklist, because there are many students who are adamant about location. If you are looking for quality colleges in your budget please keep location preference in your mind. 😀

How I Can Help You Getting an MDS Seat?

Now, it’s time to boast about me and tell you how I can help you and what are the benefits.

Filter and Choose the Best College for You

Every year I visit around 30-35 dental colleges in India and try to connect with students in those colleges. I visit them personally with my team and try to understand the pros and cons of a college.

So in case, if you are looking for a MDS seat for Endodontics in a specific budget, I can filter and choose the best college for you and guide you through the complete admission procedures.

And I will only be referring you to colleges which I have visited personally and about which I know inside-out.

In most of the colleges, I will also help you to talk with the students who are doing their MDS there. So, that you will get a clearer idea about the department, facilities and college.

So, basically, I provide two kinds of services:

  • Getting an MDS seat by colleges directly partnered with me.
  • Guiding you for the complete counseling procedures and securing a seat.

In the first one, I know many colleges in India and I have personally visited them. So, I know how these colleges are and each department. I will be guiding you to these colleges, where you can pre-book the seat at a lower fee than the counseling fees.

In the second one, there are students who have good ranks and scores but are not aware of the seats, colleges, and how to go through the procedures.

In this, I will guide the student starting from registration till the allotment of seats. And it will be a premium service and I will be guiding you completely.

Why My Service?

Here I will just let you know why my service is unique and best.

One and Only Consultancy Focused Only for Dentistry

We are the one and only dental career guidance consultancy in India. We are just into dental college and institute admissions.

A Team of Dentists

You will be guided and supported by a team of dentists who know the ins and outs of the course and college.

Updated Information

We are very well-connected with different dentists, students, and colleges. We are very well updated with information like which college is good for which department.

Seat Matrix and Ranking

We are deeply into the counseling procedures, so we can guide you easily as we are updated with the seat matrix, which rank will be allotted to which all colleges, etc. We have a proper data analysis team.

100% Genuine Information About Department & College

As I told you earlier, I will only be suggesting colleges which I have visited personally and am satisfied with. So, you don’t have to worry about quality of college. Till date I have visited more than 200 dental colleges and I know few of them very personally.

Benefits of Taking My Service

There are also a few perks I will be providing you in the long term.

Thesis, LD & Publication Support

Our team of dentists can guide you in the preparation of your thesis during your MDS. Not only thesis, let it be LD, publication, etc, we are there to guide you.

Discounts on Products and Services

Let it be any product or service we are launching, We will always keep you under our premium list and provide you with an extra discount.

Discounts on Courses & Events

We conduct many courses and events every year. We will provide you with an exclusive discount for all the courses and events.

You will always be on our VIP list and there will be many more future benefits.

And few of the features of  my service are:

  • Seat booking facility.
  • Easy payment options.
  • 100% transparency.
  • Placement Support.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the major questions that students ask me. You can go through this section and almost all your doubts about MDS admission through management quota will be cleared.

Can I get MDS admission without NEET ?

No, you cannot get MDS admission without NEET.

Can I take MDS admission without attending the counseling?

No, you have to attend the counseling conducted by MCC or state authority to take admission to any private college.

Can I take your service if I am waiting for revised cutoff?

Yes, you can book my service if you are waiting for the revised cut-off.

What is the MDS management seat cost?

It depends on many factors like college, location and department. It will be better I can explain you on call.

Will I get stipend while doing MDS?

In few private colleges they provide a monthly stipend, which ranges from Rs.4000 to Rs.50,000.

I want to take your service, what is the procedure?

You can contact me personally on 8951242255 and I will explain the procedures in detail.

Can I pay tuition fees in installment?

Yes, you can pay the tuition fees in installments.

What are the extra charges, apart from tuition fees?

You have to pay extra for hostel, food, materials and examination. These depends on colleges.


I have tried to explain everything about the MDS management seat in this article, from procedures, to fee structure and more. If you loved the article, please do share it with people in need.

You can also comment your questions and support below and I will try my best to revert back as soon as possible.

If you want to talk to me personally, then you can contact me at +91-8951242255.

If you want to more about me and DentalFry, do go through our testimonials and about page. It will give you a clear picture of our service.

If you are looking for information regarding MDS admission in different states, you can go through the following articles:

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About K Vishnu Nambiar

I am a dental blogger and a career counselor with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. I blog about different dental courses and their scopes. I also visit dental colleges and review them in a unique way.

2 thoughts on “MDS Admission Through Management Quota – Fee Structure Explained”

    • Dear Ruchi,

      Yes, you can surely secure a seat for OMFS. To get the cost for MDS seat, I want to know your domicile state.


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