General Pathology Question Paper of RGUHS June 2017 – 2nd Year BDS

This is the digital copy of General Pathology question paper by RGUHS or Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore of the year June 2017. Please check the questions carefully and answer.

Max Marks: 35 Marks

Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary.

LONG ESSAY – 1 X 10 = 10 Marks

  1. Define thrombosis. Define the etiopathogenesis and fate of thrombus.                              (2 + 6 + 2 = 10 Marks)

SHORT ESSAYS – 3 x 5 = 15 Marks

2. Chemical carcinogenesis.

3. Tabulate the difference between necrosis and apoptosis.

4. Leukemoid reactions.

SHORT ANSWERS – 5 x 2 = 10 Marks

5. Granuloma definition and two examples.

6. Megaloblast.

7. Sago Spleen.

8. Causes of aplastic anemia.

9. Cardinal signs of acute inflammation.

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About K Vishnu Nambiar

I am a dental blogger and a career counselor with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. I blog about different dental courses and their scopes. I also visit dental colleges and review them in a unique way.

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